Dieses Freiburg liegt um nicht aufgezählte Jahrzehntereihen zurück. Meine Familie und ich wohnten in Niederrimsingen am Tuniberg, doch in Freiburg wurde 1968 Töchterchen Silke geboren ein Sonntags- und Freiburger Kind.
This Freiburg lies around not enumerated decade rows back. My family and I lived in Niederrimsingen at the Tuniberg, but in Freiburg "little daughter Silke" was born in 1968 a Sunday and Freiburg child.
With the best jet fire, the "Free World Fighter" F 104 exceeded the speed of sound. But no matter how it spun, rolled and twisted, spiraled or overturned, accelerated in a vertical flight or a nosedive, or turned the pilot "upside down" the gyro-stabilized accelerometer platform remained firmly in its earth-surface-horizontal, grid-north position, so that the accelerometers were not affected by components of the earth's gravity, which falsify the calculations. By the way, I don't know whether the German Secretary of Defense Franz Josef Strauss once let himself turn his body, screw together with the pilot, go head over heels and got this over in the best of health ...
Es waren die Jahre 1966, 1967 und 1968, in denen mich Freiburg im Breisgau mit seinem schönen Stadtbild, seinem Wein, seinen Gassen, seinem Landschaftsambiente, seinen freundlichen Menschen erfreut hat. Zwei Feuerzeuge... der Starfighter eben! Einst hergestellt von Günter Broesan, der unvergessene Mitstreiter und Kollege.
It was in 1966, 1967 and 1968 that Freiburg in the Breisgau fascinated me with its beautiful cityscape, its wine, its narrow streets, its landscape ambience, its friendly people. Two lighters... the Starfighter! Once made by Guenter Broesan, the unforgotten comrade-in-arms and colleague.
Die Verkürzung diverser Testverfahren ohne Verlust an Ergebnis- und Aussagequalität brachte Manpower- und zeitliche, kurz: ökonomische Vorteile.
The shortening of various test procedures without loss of result and statement quality brought manpower and time advantages, in short: economic advantages.
Schulertest, verkürzte zulässige Version bei Reparaturen.
Schuler test, shortened permissible version for repairs.
Anweisung gegen Störimpulse bei Untersuchungen.
Instruction against interfering impulses during examinations.
"Beware of the technicians," said Marcel Pagnol, "they begin with the sewing machine, they end with the atomic bomb". But he will not have been entirely without civilizational needs what would he have wanted with his scripts without technology. The conversion of physical regularity into a technically realized result of purpose is one of the most interesting tasks within human culture. It is also one of the most important tasks, because culture and art do not exist without technology, they need it, which is art itself. And so ideological hostility toward technology is reduced to absurdity ideologues cannot do anything without technology. Do they drink exclusively from their hollow hands? All laughable, that! L'art pour l'art... the art for the art this is a self-sufficient, accurate and admissible statement. La technique pour la technique... the technique for the technique that is a self-contradictory, because absurd statement. Technical art as an advantage for human doing (and not doing) is an indispensable common good for every person.
The application of technology, which nature does not provide, is the content of meaning of the man who creates technology. His objects do not serve his own satisfaction, but are intended for the using to which he belongs and to him mostly unknown people. The technical goal of building a house is not the house, but its habitability. The technical goal to develop a navigation system is not the navigation system and not the ship or airplane into which it is inserted, but the safe transportation of people and things from one place to another contrary to art results from free and often luxury joy creating individual imagination. Technology is based on strict consistency, its application relies on stringent functionality. Successful work as a technician, writes Heinrich Stork (1931-1997), first requires a solid knowledge of science, which includes the intensive use of symbolic systems of thought and logical thinking. But that is not enough: The technician is supposed to conceive, produce, and maintain objects that are not realized by nature itself. That makes special demands. The characteristics of the specifically technical core are the representational ability to imagine, the ability to imagine technical functional contexts, the ability to combine technical ideas and the technical improvisational ability. These four characteristics make up imagination, which can anticipate technical objects and processes in the imagination. The technical imagination is supplemented by a series of requirements in which manual dexterity and intellectual agility are combined, they can be summarized as manual and situational skills. Together with the technical imagination, they form the technical intelligence. Sic !